Wow.. where do I start with this one! I guess I will back it up to about a year and a half ago when I met this pair in Dominican at a wedding I was shooting. I love meeting new couples at weddings, and when they like you enough before they even see their friends finished photos to ask you to photograph their upcoming wedding. I wasn't back home long before Taylor contacted me with her official inquiry! and the rest as they say is history!
Its so important for me to develop a relationship with my clients, for me it goes far beyond shooting the big day! Yes that of course is a major aspect of it but when I have an on going communication with my clients its always a game changer. Taylor and I have had many Facebook chats about outfits, locations and many dressing room selfies sent my way of potential outfits. Thanks Taylor for working with me and trusting me! Its when I get that kind of trust that I know we are going to create something great!
So once hair, makeup, outfits and locations are in place, there is one crucial element left to creating magic ( well besides great light) and that is my couple!! When they can let go and just be free with each other is really something! Blair was a little apprehensive and told me I not the most photogenic guy! my response was just look at your gorgeous bride to be and it will be perfect and it was. Blair you rocked it really! putting up with the changing clothes, standing on those hard pebbly rocks with freezing cold feet, to the darn mosquitos at the end. Taylor the camera loved you and you brought out all the feels from your man!
I can't even put into words how humbled I am to do what I do. Meeting the most amazing people and discovering new places on this amazing Island of ours ( it never ceases to amaze me). I left this shoot on the best high imaginable !! I think Taylor and Blair felt this way also. I read something recently that goes something like this "Sometimes we need to disconnect to reconnect" and it really struck me. Its so very true, sometimes we get lost and stumble along our journey and can become disconnected for various reasons. It has happened to me recently and I have never been more happy to be back at my craft then I am right now! Sorry if this just got a little sappy, but its where my heart is tonight and I wear mine on my sleeve!
So this gal is gonna shut up now and get to the good stuff!